Tuesday, April 14, 2020

App 9 Essays - Statistics, Probability, Probability Distributions

7.5 (A) What proportion of this population is less than 150 centimeters tall? z = x- / x = 150, = 138, = 7 z =150-138/7 = 1.71 = 0.9564 Table B tells us that PR (z less than 150) =0.9564, therefore the 95.64% of the population is less than 150 cm tall. (B )x = 140, = 138, = 7 z = 140-138/7 = 0.29 = 0.6141 Table B Tells us that PR(z less than 140) =.6141, therefore 61.41% of the population is less than 140 cm tall. (C) What proportion is between 150 and 140 centimeters? Pr(140 x 150) = Pr(x 150)-Pr(x 140) = 0.9564 ?C 0.6141= 0.3423 The population of people between 140 and 150 cm tall is 34.23% Case Processing Summary Cases ValidMissingTotal NPercentNPercentNPercent age713100.0%0.0%713100.0% Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-SmirnovaShapiro-Wilk StatisticdfSig.StatisticdfSig. age.106713.000.946713.000 a. Lilliefors Significance Correction Model Description Model NameMOD_1 Series or Sequence1age TransformationNone Non-Seasonal Differencing0 Seasonal Differencing0 Length of Seasonal PeriodNo periodicity StandardizationNot applied DistributionTypeNormal Locationestimated Scaleestimated Fractional Rank Estimation MethodBlom's Rank Assigned to TiesMean rank of tied values Applying the model specifications from MOD_1 Case Processing Summary age Series or Sequence Length713 Number of Missing Values in the PlotUser-Missing0 System-Missing0 The cases are unweighted. Estimated Distribution Parameters age Normal DistributionLocation37.69 Scale12.114 The cases are unweighted. No, it is not normal distribution. The skewness and kurtosis statistics are great and the graphs are not equaled

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